elementary social studies
Grades 1-6 All LV Social Studies and History courses look at Biblical events and themes and how they correlate with history and our world today. They include geography studies and incorporate history stories, historical fiction and/or literature. They are designed to develop an awareness and appreciation for the world God has created and help students understand how history and culture is correlated to our world today. Students are taught critical and higher order reasoning skills as they learn how to interpret history.
Elementary social studies classes will meet for 70 minutes on Mondays during the 2018-2019 school year.
discovering God's world (1st & 2nd Grades)• 2 year cycle
My World (2017-2018) / My America (2018-2019) Prerequisites: Ability to pass reading and writing placement tests demonstrating successful completion of a Kindergarten level language arts program or successful completion of KinderVine
Not graded, Homework Optional Curriculum: My America and My World, Other TBA |
These fun discovery-based classes will use a multi-sensory approach to learning the historical and social aspect of our country and our world. Through group games, songs, rhymes, stories and hands-on activities, students will enjoy exploring God’s world. Book bags with activity sheets are loaned out every other week to provide in depth study at home during the week.
My America (2018-2019)
My America (2018-2019)
discovering the ancient world
These fun discovery classes take students on a journey into the past. Over a two year period, young scholars will explore the mysteries of the ancient and medieval worlds from Creation to the Reformation.
This class will have fun learning about the ancient civilizations. Important topics and interesting historical fiction along with resource books will immerse young scholars into the lives of the people and cultures of the past. Through historical facts, bible stories, games, memorization activities, timelines, projects, literature, map activities, arts and crafts, and art history, young students will be encouraged to develop a love and appreciation for history and the Bible. Weekly geography study is integrated into this course.
This class will have fun learning about the ancient civilizations. Important topics and interesting historical fiction along with resource books will immerse young scholars into the lives of the people and cultures of the past. Through historical facts, bible stories, games, memorization activities, timelines, projects, literature, map activities, arts and crafts, and art history, young students will be encouraged to develop a love and appreciation for history and the Bible. Weekly geography study is integrated into this course.
discovering america (5th & 6TH GRADES)Prerequisites: Ability to pass reading and writing placement tests demonstrating successful completion of a 4th grade level language arts course or successful completion of LV Language Arts 4 or higher
Curriculum: United States by Scott Foresman Through a combination of history, geography, and literature, young scholars will discover the excitement of the American experience. These fun hands-on classes will use historical |
facts, games, memorization activities, timelines, projects, stories, literature, map activities, arts and crafts, and art history to encourage young students to develop an appreciation for history. Engaging historical fiction and resource books will immerse students into the lives of the people and cultures of the past and present.
Discovering America 1 (2018-2019)
Students will continue on their amazing journey through time as they discover the excitement of the American experience, Our study will begin with the native cultures that inhabited our country before the first explorers. Students will learn about early explorers and colonists through the American Revolution.
Discovering America 1 (2018-2019)
Students will continue on their amazing journey through time as they discover the excitement of the American experience, Our study will begin with the native cultures that inhabited our country before the first explorers. Students will learn about early explorers and colonists through the American Revolution.
Combined Grades
Some of our grade levels are combined as shown above. Homework and testing are grade specific for each elementary level.
Some of our grade levels are combined as shown above. Homework and testing are grade specific for each elementary level.
Elementary Social Studies Reasoning & Critical Thinking Skills
Students are taught critical and higher order reasoning skills as they learn how to interpret history.
Students are taught critical and higher order reasoning skills as they learn how to interpret history.