Visual Arts |

Cartooning for Kids / Teens
Ages 8-12 / 13-18
Teacher: Edwards
Join Focus on the Family cartoonist, Dennis Edwards, for an exciting journey through the world of cartooning! Mr. Edwards has an extensive, professional background in professional cartooning, and his work can be seen in the Captain Absolutely comic series in Clubhouse Magazine. Students will be taught fundamentals of figure drawing as it pertains to this style of art, as well as how to demonstrate action and emotion through line, color, and composition. Students will have both practice time at the beginning of each class as well as time devoted to creating a cartoon series of their own. Each semester will include new lessons and projects.
See Mr. Edwards' comics at Clubhouse Magazine.
Ages 8-12 / 13-18
Teacher: Edwards
Join Focus on the Family cartoonist, Dennis Edwards, for an exciting journey through the world of cartooning! Mr. Edwards has an extensive, professional background in professional cartooning, and his work can be seen in the Captain Absolutely comic series in Clubhouse Magazine. Students will be taught fundamentals of figure drawing as it pertains to this style of art, as well as how to demonstrate action and emotion through line, color, and composition. Students will have both practice time at the beginning of each class as well as time devoted to creating a cartoon series of their own. Each semester will include new lessons and projects.
See Mr. Edwards' comics at Clubhouse Magazine.