Beginning & advanced sewingTeacher: Ruth Hernandez
First semester beginning sewing students learn about the sewing machine, its parts, and how to use it. They learn proper sewing techniques and about all of the important sewing supplies. They learn to pin, lay out, and cut out projects as they construct simple, fun, practical items: a pillow case, book cover, laundry bag, and tote bag.
Intermediate students make a small quilt, apron, pot holder, skirt, and pajamas. More advanced students select patterns of their own choice, learning more advanced techniques such as zippers, gathering, buttons and buttonholes, facings, sleeves, specialty fabrics, collars, sleeves, etc. Textbook: “Stitches and Pins” by JoAnn Gagnon,
Students will also need to bring to class a sewing machine, sewing machine needles, bobbins, extension cord, 3-prong pocket folder, thread, hand sewing needles, ruler, tracing wheel, tracing paper, tape measure, seam gauge, pins, pin cushion, seam ripper, dressmaker shears (sewing scissors), water-soluble marking pens/pencils, and materials for each current project. |
Food Art & Desert DecoratingTeacher: Jessica Nyarko
Dive into the world of decorating as budding chefs create their own culinary masterpieces with Chef Jess. Students will have the opportunity to hone their decorating skills with artistic freedom as they use pre-made or partially made pastry items to decorate in class. Students will dive into a variety of techniques as they evolve throughout the semester making donut art, chocolate work, cookie decorating, sushi art, charcuterie art and more. Best of all they get to take home their decorated pieces to enjoy with loved ones at home for the weekend. No previous experience or class required.
** Due to the nature of this class only PEANUT & TREE NUT Allergies can be accommodated ** Cooking & Baking Around the World A & BTeacher: Jessica Nyarko
No previous class or experience is required to enroll. Culinary Budding Chefs explore all-new recipes from around the world with a healthy twist while learning about different cultures and languages. On the last day of class, chefs will also have a friendly cooking competition like Chopped Junior to put their worldwide skills to the test with a friendly cooking competition. Students will learn how to make homemade dishes like Chinese takeout, Kid Friendly Sushi / Dessert Sushi, Swedish Meatballs, and more.
Kids' Baking Academy A & BTeacher: Jessica Nyarko
No previous class or experience is required to enroll. Bakers in training will learn new recipes each quarter to learn to make a variety of baked goods. Chefs will also become empowered to make informed health decisions for their mind, body, and spirit through hands-on baking, as they learn to master various techniques. Chef Jess will teach a variety of baking techniques for all types of cuisines with a healthy twist. On the last day of class, chefs will also have a friendly cooking competition, Kidinary Baking Championship, to put their skills to the test.
** Please note we are only able to accommodate: nut, dairy, and gluten allergies due to the nature of these class.**