IN-Person Classroom Guidelines for covid-19
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” ~Philippians 2:3-4
Keeping in alignment with the CDC recommendations, the following guidelines will be implemented at Learning Vine until further notice. The guidelines communicate the utmost importance of the health, safety, and well- being of our families and staff.
In an effort to reduce the opportunity to pass germs, students should have the following supplies on hand at all times: hand sanitizer, small pack of tissues, sharpened pencils, erasers, pens, scissors, glue stick, fine tip dry erase marker, and crayons or colored pencils. We will have lunch bins available, however, if you wish for your child to keep their lunch with them, please be sure to have adequate room in the backpack or tote.
Masks/Face Coverings
* It is our wish to allow families to decide for themselves to wear a mask or not. However, we are obligated to follow indoor mask mandates issued by our governor, IDPH, or the CDC. When our state or region is not under an Indoor mask policy, we will leave the decision to mask or not to our families.
Check-in Procedures
*When signing in to LV, you are ensuring that your student/family does not have any symptoms that would require them to stay home. Please reference your family handbook for more information about our Symptom policies.
*We will continue to encourage families and students to sanitize/wash hands upon arrival.
*Social distancing of 3 ft distance preferred between families while awaiting check-in. Only 2 families will be allowed in the downstairs check-in area at a time. Others may wait upstairs until notified. This reduces the crowding and allows families to check their students out easier.
*No congregating in the hallways by students or parents.
*The drinking fountain has been opened. If you prefer your child not use the drinking fountain, please be sure to send a water bottle with your student’s name clearly labeled.
Bathroom Procedures
*Avoid congregating in the restrooms. No more than 2 people at a time.
*Hands must be washed prior to leaving restrooms
*Frequent cleaning of the restrooms will be performed throughout the day
Classroom Guidelines
*We recommend students to use sanitizer/wash hands as they enter/prior to entering the classroom.
*Students will be seated with as much social distancing as possible.
*Students will need to have all of their own supplies for writing, crafts, etc. Teachers may provide the additional supplies that your child will need for their class at orientation. Please be sure your student is adequately supplied as sharing/distributing of supplies will be kept to an absolute minimum.
*Individual classes may have additional guidelines. These will be addressed at orientation.
*Classrooms will be sanitized in between classes
Dismissal Guidelines
*Students must be sure that they have ALL of their supplies with them when they leave. We will be unable to provide a safe Lost and Found.
*Lanyards will be sanitized and collected.
*Social Distancing is recommended until families are out of the building.
If there is a positive case of COVID-19, we will be following the protocol laid out by the CDC and IDPH. They are as follows:
~Fully vaccinated people can refrain from quarantine following a known exposure if asymptomatic.
~Fully vaccinated people should not visit private or public settings if they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the prior 10 days or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
The CDC currently recommends a quarantine period of 14 days. Further, local public health authorities determine and establish quarantine options for their jurisdictions and may decide to continue using a 14-day period and/or shortened options for certain lower risk close contacts. However, the following options to shorten quarantine are acceptable alternatives:
~Quarantine can end after Day 10 without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during any day of the daily monitoring period. With this strategy, residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 1% with an upper limit of about 10%.
~Quarantine can end after Day 7 if a RT (Reverse Transcriptase)-PCR test is negative and if no symptoms were reported during any day of the daily monitoring period. The earliest a specimen may be collected and tested would be on Day 6 with quarantine being discontinued no earlier than Day 8. With this strategy, the residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 5% with an upper limit of about 12%. This option is not recommended for children in daycares or K-12 schools.
CDC and IDPH guidelines
*When in doubt, please refer to and follow guidelines already set in place regarding symptoms, symptom monitoring, self-isolating, etc. If you are unsure, contact LV Administration.
Remote Learning
*Learning Vine will remain in-person until otherwise directed. Our teachers and staff have been working to be sure we can maintain our level of excellence as best as possible even if students move to remote learning. This includes both the academic and enrichment programs.
We fully acknowledge that our guidelines will not fall in line with the desires of all families at Learning Vine. We have prayed and sought God’s will as well as the research of experts in the field. We are striving to provide the safest environment for our students and staff in a time of unthinkable and unforeseen circumstances. We ask for your understanding of the need to be flexible as situations arise. This pandemic is a fluid situation, and we will continue to make adjustments as recommended by the CDC and IDPH. We also ask for your grace and patience as we do our best to provide a learning environment in which your students will thrive this 2021-2022 school year.
Thank you.
Faith Bruck and Vicki Thompson
Learning Vine Administration
Keeping in alignment with the CDC recommendations, the following guidelines will be implemented at Learning Vine until further notice. The guidelines communicate the utmost importance of the health, safety, and well- being of our families and staff.
In an effort to reduce the opportunity to pass germs, students should have the following supplies on hand at all times: hand sanitizer, small pack of tissues, sharpened pencils, erasers, pens, scissors, glue stick, fine tip dry erase marker, and crayons or colored pencils. We will have lunch bins available, however, if you wish for your child to keep their lunch with them, please be sure to have adequate room in the backpack or tote.
Masks/Face Coverings
* It is our wish to allow families to decide for themselves to wear a mask or not. However, we are obligated to follow indoor mask mandates issued by our governor, IDPH, or the CDC. When our state or region is not under an Indoor mask policy, we will leave the decision to mask or not to our families.
Check-in Procedures
*When signing in to LV, you are ensuring that your student/family does not have any symptoms that would require them to stay home. Please reference your family handbook for more information about our Symptom policies.
*We will continue to encourage families and students to sanitize/wash hands upon arrival.
*Social distancing of 3 ft distance preferred between families while awaiting check-in. Only 2 families will be allowed in the downstairs check-in area at a time. Others may wait upstairs until notified. This reduces the crowding and allows families to check their students out easier.
*No congregating in the hallways by students or parents.
*The drinking fountain has been opened. If you prefer your child not use the drinking fountain, please be sure to send a water bottle with your student’s name clearly labeled.
Bathroom Procedures
*Avoid congregating in the restrooms. No more than 2 people at a time.
*Hands must be washed prior to leaving restrooms
*Frequent cleaning of the restrooms will be performed throughout the day
Classroom Guidelines
*We recommend students to use sanitizer/wash hands as they enter/prior to entering the classroom.
*Students will be seated with as much social distancing as possible.
*Students will need to have all of their own supplies for writing, crafts, etc. Teachers may provide the additional supplies that your child will need for their class at orientation. Please be sure your student is adequately supplied as sharing/distributing of supplies will be kept to an absolute minimum.
*Individual classes may have additional guidelines. These will be addressed at orientation.
*Classrooms will be sanitized in between classes
Dismissal Guidelines
*Students must be sure that they have ALL of their supplies with them when they leave. We will be unable to provide a safe Lost and Found.
*Lanyards will be sanitized and collected.
*Social Distancing is recommended until families are out of the building.
If there is a positive case of COVID-19, we will be following the protocol laid out by the CDC and IDPH. They are as follows:
~Fully vaccinated people can refrain from quarantine following a known exposure if asymptomatic.
~Fully vaccinated people should not visit private or public settings if they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the prior 10 days or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
The CDC currently recommends a quarantine period of 14 days. Further, local public health authorities determine and establish quarantine options for their jurisdictions and may decide to continue using a 14-day period and/or shortened options for certain lower risk close contacts. However, the following options to shorten quarantine are acceptable alternatives:
~Quarantine can end after Day 10 without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during any day of the daily monitoring period. With this strategy, residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 1% with an upper limit of about 10%.
~Quarantine can end after Day 7 if a RT (Reverse Transcriptase)-PCR test is negative and if no symptoms were reported during any day of the daily monitoring period. The earliest a specimen may be collected and tested would be on Day 6 with quarantine being discontinued no earlier than Day 8. With this strategy, the residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 5% with an upper limit of about 12%. This option is not recommended for children in daycares or K-12 schools.
CDC and IDPH guidelines
*When in doubt, please refer to and follow guidelines already set in place regarding symptoms, symptom monitoring, self-isolating, etc. If you are unsure, contact LV Administration.
Remote Learning
*Learning Vine will remain in-person until otherwise directed. Our teachers and staff have been working to be sure we can maintain our level of excellence as best as possible even if students move to remote learning. This includes both the academic and enrichment programs.
We fully acknowledge that our guidelines will not fall in line with the desires of all families at Learning Vine. We have prayed and sought God’s will as well as the research of experts in the field. We are striving to provide the safest environment for our students and staff in a time of unthinkable and unforeseen circumstances. We ask for your understanding of the need to be flexible as situations arise. This pandemic is a fluid situation, and we will continue to make adjustments as recommended by the CDC and IDPH. We also ask for your grace and patience as we do our best to provide a learning environment in which your students will thrive this 2021-2022 school year.
Thank you.
Faith Bruck and Vicki Thompson
Learning Vine Administration